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Ball Recirculating

Mono Rail

Re-circulating ball bearings linear guide with high load capacity and rigidity.

  • LM guide with very high load-carrying capacity, accuracy and rigidity
  • The exploitation of its technical potential requires rigid, precise mounting surfaces and the use of 12-9 quality fixing screws.
  • Linear accuracy of less than 0.025 mm for a rail length of 1000 m
  • The main dimensions of the Monorail correspond to the market standard.
  • Interchangeability with other manufacturers possible
  • Joint Processed rail is possible (machining of the ends). Several preload classes are possible for the LM block

Operating temperature ranges between -10°C and +60°C

Block Cdyn (N) Co (N) Mx (N.m) My (N.m) Mz (N.m)
MRS15 8500 13500 100 68 68
MRS25 19500 32000 368 228 228
MRS35 38500 62000 1054 620 620
MRS45 65000 105000 2363 1378 1378

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